PARTIAL-PGMs and CritCat in partnership under the

Common Dissemination Booster patronage.



The PARTIAL-PGMs and CritCat projects, funded by the European Commission, are examining how new nanomaterials can be used to effectively substitute PGMs in current applications.

The projects bring together rational catalyst design including synthesis, characterization and realistic performance evaluation of the novel materials.

The projects also deliver multi-scale modelling and large-scale computational simulations, with a strong emphasis on industrially-relevant chemical reactions and emerging technologies, in which PGMs play a pivotal role.


Under the patronage of the Common Dissemination Booster, CritCat and PARTIAL-PGMs projects work in synergy to plan and implement a joint dissemination strategy, to share results and data across wider geographies and variety of stakeholders, finally increasing the exploitation potential of both projects results.

The Common Dissemination Booster (CDB) is a EC promoted service available to all funded Research & Innovation (R&I) projects (Regional, National and European).

The booster encourages projects to come together to identify a common portfolio of results, map and target stakeholders, and building skills for improved dissemination to end-users, with an eye on exploitation opportunities, across five different services offered by Trust IT Services on behalf of the European Commission:

  • Service 1- Portfolio Identification
  • Service 2 – Stakeholder/End-user mapping
  • Service 3 – Portfolio Dissemination Plan Development
  • Service 4 – Portfolio Dissemination Capacity building
  • Service 5 – Dissemination Campaign in Practice



CDB (EU) webpage:

CDB (trust IT) website:

Policy Brief >>

Watch the video to find out more about the Common Dissemination Booster!