PARTIAL-PGMs Final Meeting and Review

18 September 2019
Reading, UK

PARTIAL-PGMs Summer School

17-20 June 2019
Albarella, Italy

PARTIAL-PGMs Summer School focused on the process of creation and production of novel automotive Catalysts, from materials modelling to the industrial scale-up, going through materials syntesis, characterisation and testing.

The Summer School gave to the participants the unique opportunity of learning from and network with eminent academics and professionals in the field.

EMMC-eSSENCE Conference Multiscale modelling of materials and molecules: Physics-based and data-driven

3-5 June 2019
Uppsala, Sweden

Multiscale modelling (coupling & linking of models) is a central theme in molecular and materials modelling of complex systems, and it is also a central theme of this meeting. This was the 2nd international EMMC-eSSENCE meeting with the sub-theme of physics-based & data-driven modelling.

Critical raw materials reduction in catalysis workshop

11-12 April 2019
Braga, Portugal

PARTIAL-PGMs and CritCat Consortia met academic, industrial and policy makers representatives, to discuss research results and future developments for the reduction of Critical Raw Materials use in Catalysis.

Industry Days 2019

5-6 February 2019
Bruxelles, Belgium

EU Industry Days 2019 focused on key industrial challenges such as sustainability, digitalisation, investment and globalisation. The event, on 5-6 February, demonstrated how EU industrial policy benefits European citizens and provided input for future policy making.

EU Industry Days gathered around 1,800 participants from across Europe and beyond, including stakeholders representing industry, trade unions, national and regional authorities, and civil society.


5-9 November 2018
Ghent, Belgium

Industrial Technologies 2018

29-31 October 2018
Vienna, Austria

INDTECH2018 was an event of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and it combined keynote presentations, talks, a matchmaking event and exhibitions. It provided an excellent opportunity to meet experts from industry, academia and policy to exchange information and to strengthen collaboration.

11th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control

29-31 October 2018
Bruxelles, Belgium

5th Technical Meeting and 2nd Project Review

18-19 October 2018
Athens, Greece

10th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis

22-26 September 2018
Tianjin, China

The biennial conference aims to strengthen international cooperation with a focus on global environment protection and its contribution to economic and social sustainability.

International powertrains, fuel & lubricants meeting

17-19 September 2018
Heidelberg, Germany

The International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants (IPF&L) Meeting is where the most highly regarded experts in engineering, science and supply will gather to hear and discuss new and emerging technologies that are being implemented to meet regulations by reducing emissions and boosting fuel economy, while delivering the best overall powertrain performance.


11-14 September 2018
Rome, Italy

More than 1,200 researchers and professionals attended the event, entering in contact with leading exhibiting companies and research teams. Significant affluence has been recorded in the over 80 symposia, joint events, workshops, key note and special sessions which took place.

CHISA 2018: 23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering

25-29 August 2018
Prague, Czech Republic

The series of International Congresses CHISA taking place in the centre of Europe started in 1962 in Brno, Czechoslovakia then continued in Mariánské Lázně, and since 1972 the Congresses have been held in Prague.

PREPA12 12th International Symposium on the ``Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts``

08-12 July 2018
Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium

Scope of the conference was the newest developments in inorganic materials and their production with an emphasis on the environmental impact. Researchers presented fundamental concepts alongside cutting edge developments on a broad range of topics including nanotechnology, energy related materials, cement/gypsum and lime, sustainable chemistry, catalysis and novel processing techniques.


30 June - 4 July 2018
Montpellier & Toulouse, France

The Société Chimique de France organised its national congress Thematic sessions including one for « Chemistry and Life »

ISIEM 2018 The International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials 2018

17-21 June 2018
Ghent, Belgium

Scope of the conference was the newest developments in inorganic materials and their production with an emphasis on the environmental impact. Researchers presented fundamental concepts alongside cutting edge developments on a broad range of topics including nanotechnology, energy related materials, cement/gypsum and lime, sustainable chemistry, catalysis and novel processing techniques.

EMMC-CSA: Workshop on “Materials and molecular modelling in the 21st century: Physics-based or data-driven?”

13 June 2018
Uppsala, Sweden

Researchers in computational chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering traditionally use physics-based* models, but currently there is much excitement about big data and machine learning in materials and molecular modelling, and about the opportunities that these approaches may bring. But are there also scientific shortcomings associated with it?

25th International Conference on Chemical Reaction Engineering

20-23 May 2018
Florence, Italy

The theme of ISCRE25 was ``Engineering the chemical transformation by bridging science and technology``. Accordingly, the topics of the Conference covered both the latest methodological developments as well as the many emerging applications of CRE to crucial technologies for energy conversion, environmental protection and sustainable chemicals production.


08-09 March 2018
Lille, France

The meeting location was the Lille University with the presence of the project partners.


02-04 October 2017
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

The meeting location was the Eindhoven University of Technology (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) with the presence of the Project Officer from European Commission, Anne De Baas.

NanoInnovation 2017

26-29 September 2017

Partial-PGMs was in Rome (Itay) at NanoInnovation 2017. NanoInnovation 2017 is the most important international event in Italy dedicated to nanotechnologies and their integration with KETs, gathering together the main actors of the scientific, industrial, economic and institutional world active in the field of innovation, research and technology transfer.

EuroNanoForum 2017

21-23 June 2017

Partial-PGMs was in Malta at EuroNanoForum 2017. This has been the perfect occasion to present the Dissemination Material of the project in order to communicate the aim of the project.

2nd Technical meeting

30-31 March 2017

The meeting location was the Universi­ty of Chemistry and Technology of Prague (Department of Chemic­al Engineering). In this occasion, the partners had the opportunity to share datas on project development.

Raw Material Week | 6th Trilateral Conference of CRMs

29 November 2016

On 29 November 2016, the EU hosted the 6th EU-US-Japan Trilateral Conference on Critical Materials, which focused on strategies for the sustainable supply of critical raw materials. Partial-PGMs was at the event.

1st Technical meeting

6 October 2016

The meeting location is the Chambre de Commerce Belgio-Italienne, Brussels, Belgium, with the presence of the Project Officer from European Commission, Anne Debaas.


20 – 23 September 2016

PARTIAL-PGMs Poster, at Nanoinnovation 2016, Rome (IT), 20 – 23 September 2016.


11-12 April 2016
Hotel Royal Carlton Bologna

Subject covered: contractual aspects, workplan of the project, management structure and bodies, work planning for the first phase of the project